The history of Nagasaki Prefecture has long been a story of the ocean. It is almost totally surrounded by water, and no other area of Japan can boast quite as many islands as this prefecture.
YGCコラム(旧) 記事一覧
第61回 New Mexico(ニューメキシコ州)を知る
第60回 鳥取県(Tottori)を知る
Let us now introduce the Tottori Prefecture.
第59回 New Jersey(ニュージャージー州)を知る
第58回 栃木県(Tochigi)を知る
Hello readers! I hope many of you enjoyed your time during the Golden Week, and sincerely hope the YGC’s Prefecture Guide can shed some light when contemplating your next domestic destination. Now this week, I will be introducing Tochigi Prefecture.